Why can't we stop using plastic bags?

They can cause more pollution in.

Plastic bags

use fossil fuels, a non-renewable resource, and are permanent and enter the waste stream forever. They can cause more pollution on land and in waterways, but they have less effect on climate change and land use than other types of bags. Because they are so lightweight, plastic bags can travel long distances in wind and water.

They litter our landscapes, get stuck in fences and trees, float in waterways and can eventually reach the world's oceans. They are harmful to wildlife and marine life. Animals, birds and marine life, such as fish and sea turtles, often confuse plastic bags and the plastic parts associated with them with food. Animals can also easily get entangled in this plastic.

They fly out of garbage piles, garbage trucks and landfills, and then clog up stormwater infrastructure, float down waterways and ruin the landscape. However, the environmental problem is present, but it is not as serious as described and it is not only due to plastic bags. There is great concern among the environmentally concerned public around the world regarding the use of plastic bags. Their contribution to landfills is quite small and, according to a survey, 90% of Americans reuse and reuse their bags of Plastic.

Evidence from previous restrictions on plastic bags shows that this reduces their use, but sometimes leads to greater environmental damage if customers switch to other materials that consume more resources. The last countries to do so are Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, the second country that pollutes the most plastic waste in the oceans, and Japan, which ranks second in terms of the volume of single-use plastic containers per person. Some supermarket chains now have policies to minimize their use, such as charging a small fee to customers who want plastic bags delivered to them. Sea turtles have been shown to have a 50% chance of dying after swallowing discarded plastic bags or drowning with them.

However, the latest research shows that plastic bags represent only a fraction of the marine debris in the waters of the Jakarta metropolitan area. The point here is that reducing the use of plastic bags could grant people mental license to take other measures that are more harmful to the environment. Americans discard more than 100 billion plastic bags each year, and only a fraction of them are recycled. Ultimately, the biggest benefit of the ban and the price of plastic bags is likely to be the change in environmental perspectives.

For example, products with heavy plastic containers and containers can weigh many times more than the bag. In several countries, people are even protesting in the streets and demanding a total ban on plastic shopping bags.

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